Saturday, July 30, 2011

Make your Own Parmesan Cheese

It is possible to make Parmesan Cheese with 3 simple ingredients from your pantry. The following recipe comes from Peggy Layton, when she appeared on the program "Living Essentials".This recipe comes from

Zesty Parmesan Cheese
1 ½ cups. boiling water
1 ½ cups powdered milk
4 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
1. Blend all ingredients.
2. Cook over low heat until the milk boils. The curds will be small.
3. Pour into cheese cloth and strain the excess water.
4. Put the curds in a bowl to break them up.
5. Spread the curds out on a cookie sheet and dry them in the oven for 2 hours at 150F. Sprinkle salt on the curds to taste.
6. Blend the dried curds in a blender until it makes a powder.
7. Put in a salt shaker and enjoy.
Here are many of the steps in photos. Please don't be intimidated by is so very simple!

Put the Lemon juice in your boiling water.

Stir all ingredients together over low heat

Line a strainer with Cheese cloth to catch the very small curds.

Bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour the mixture into the cheesecloth-lined strainer.

Break up the curds and spread on a cookie sheet. (I would suggest that you spray the tray with a vegetable spray first as some of the mixture was difficult to remove from the pan after drying)

Place in the oven and dry for 120 minutes as directed. When dry, place in blender or food processor and pulverize. Place in a container or shaker when finished. See, there wasn't much of your personal time needed to do this!

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