1 gal bucket of ice cream, any flavor
1 package Oreo cookies
4 Tbsp butter, melted and divided
1 bottle of Magic Shell ice cream topping
Frosting, your choice color and flavor
1. Empty the ice cream into a big bowl and let it soften while making the rest of the recipe.
2. Wash out the ice cream bucket, and line with foil. Make sure the foil comes up the sides and past the top of the bucket so you can get the cake back out.
3. Place 1/2 of the Oreo cookies, 1 1/2 rows, in a food processor. Process until crumbs. Add 2 Tbsp of butter and 2 big squirts of Magic Shell to the crumbs. Process again to mix well.
4. Dump the cookies into the bucket on top of the foil. Press down to form a crust.
5. Spoon half of the softened ice cream into the bucket on top of the crumbs. Press down to make an even layer.
6. Process the other 1/2 of the cookies, 2 more Tbsp of butter, and 2 more squirts of Magic Shell, just like before.
7. Add on top of the ice cream in the bucket. Press to firm into a crust.
8. Top with remaining ice cream. Even it out as best as you can so it's flat.
9. Freeze for 2 - 4 hours.
10. Remove from freezer, let ice cream cake sit on counter for 5 minutes, then turn bucket over and gently pull the foil to help release the cake onto a plate. I rubbed the outside of the plastic with a hot
11. Turn ice cream cake back over onto your serving plate so that the oreo crust is on the bottom. Cover with
12. Frost cake, return to freezer until ready to serve.
13. Remove cake about 10 minutes before ready to cut and serve.
14. Can top with more Magic Shell and Caramel sauce
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