Thursday, September 23, 2010

Andrew's 12th Birthday / Deacon

Andrew turned 12 last week and it was a big weekend for him. He had an interview with the bishop, had his family birthday party, was presented in Sacrament Meeting, ordained a deacon, and attended his very first General Stake Priesthood Meeting. He was pretty excited to hit this milestone. I felt very grateful to have participated in this adventure with him. Now he gets to participate in the Troop and will get closer to his Eagle award. We are pretty proud of Andrew. Heck, we are pretty proud of his brothers too. 

Andrew's Birthday

Diana made a cookie/cake
Chase somehow made it into all of the pictures

The newest deacon in the Olathe 1st Ward

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chase's Birthday/Baptism

Chase and I had a pretty great birthday this year (Aug 23) and it was filled with some big events. Chase turned 8 and had his baptism, and is now a Cub Scout. He has been pretty excited about both of these events for quite a while. Brandon, Emily, and their kids came down to visit and got to participate in the baptism, which really meant a lot to Chase. Diana and I had to come to the realization that this was our last child to be baptized and our "baby" is growing up. We thought we were ready for the kids to grow up, but we were wrong! Being a parent is pretty great. We hope you enjoy the pictures.....

Birthday (Aug 23)

The birthday boys

Diana decorated Chase's room while he was at school

Grandpa and Grandma Colbert and Uncle Steven came over for cake, which was great because Grandma made the cake (it was awesome)

Chase is thinking about his wish

Chase opening his big present (slot car race track)

Baptism Day (Aug 28)
Brandon's family came down this weekend

We spent the morning in Independence, Missouri at the LDS Visitor's Center and playing tourist
Andrew, Diana, Emma and Isaac (sidewalk)
Brandon, Hazel and Spencer (by the entrance)


Anna, Chase, Andrew, Ivy and Isaac watching a presentation

Spencer, Chase, Brandon and Andrew

Brandon....this is an awesome tour


clockwise from left: Ivy, Spencer, Emma, Andrew, Isaac, Anna and Chase

Around the corner from the visitor's center is the original Independence temple site

About an hour after we got home from Independence we had to go to the church for Chase's baptism
Jordan was able to get off from work long enough to attend

Diana, Brian, Andrew
Spencer, Jordan

front row: Chase, Anna, Emma
middle row: Diana, Andrew, Isaac, Ivy
back row: Brian, Spencer, Brandon, Hazel, Emily